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Mind Booster


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Transform Your Mind – Think Bigger  Always Pray Mind Booster Podcast presents - Inspirational mind transforming messages to encourage, challenge and motivate listeners to embrace time tested teachings from the wisest person of all times.  As our world turns faster and faster, with new technologies, new cultural beliefs, and social conflict, we cry out for stability. 

Are You a Starfish Thrower?

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Featured Articles

Three Steps to a Peaceful Life

Sometimes our life seems upside down when everything is going all wrong. Tolerance for others is approaching the limit. There is a saying in society, 'I have had all I can stand and I cannot stand anymore'.


Trying to live the good life, providing for yourself and others puts a load of #pressure on you. Often, not able to hold it all together and just want to scream, words like 'help me' or 'let me out'. Just regular life tends to #destroy your internal peace; that is #peace of-#mind.

How to Educate the Poor in Kenya, Africa


The poor quality of education in third world countries is no surprise, Overcrowded rooms, uncertified private school teachers and lack of instructing offers create studying environment, exacerbated by rampant absenteeism amongst both pupils and their teachers.


There are a number of special programs, similar to conditional money transfers, which pay a stipend to poor households on the situation that kids go to and keep in school. Programs like Oportunidades in Mexico and the feminine secondary faculty assist Project in Bangladesh have rising enrollments, particularly amongst ladies, for twenty years, so far. Research reveals that authorities and donor training programs work.  This is by strengthening math and writing acumen.

Share your Love

11 million in Kenya live below poverty level survive on $1.90 per day

Praytube Mission team provided food for over 200 families in the slums and housing fees to prevent families from being evicted from their homes.

There are 2.5 million slum dwellers in about 200 settlements in Nairobi representing 60% of the Nairobi population. Over 40% of the poorest students in slums attended private schools, which often operate in conditions so poor that they do not stand a chance of government registration.  You can help make difference, like the

starfish thrower.


Praytube team raised over $35,000 to support 375 students in school feeding program and education sponsorship. Partner


All donations go to specific projects: Feeding, Housing, Education of children in Kenya poor areas


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All donors receive updates on specific project progress and achievements

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